Bordalou Base

Bordalou is a speciality from Paris; a luxurious butter pastry base, filled with a creamy filling with extra almond brioche. The buttery base is made according to Wittamer's recipe and the filling according to Debailleul's, a tribute to the two patrons where Dirk Peeters of Didess learned to bake. The base bases can be filled to your own taste.

Serving tips

Bordalou Basic with fruit Bordalou Basic finished with fruit.

Bordalou Basic with fruit

Bordalou Basic with forest fruits Bordalou Base finished with forest fruits.

Bordalou Basic with forest fruits

Bordalou Basic with Chocolate flakes

Bordalou Basic with Chocolate flakes

Bordalou Basic with Rhubarb

Bordalou Basic with Rhubarb

Bordalou Basic with nectarine

Bordalou Basic with nectarine

Bordalou Basic with raspberries and passion fruit Bordalou Basic finished with raspberry and textures of passion fruit.

Bordalou Basic with raspberries and passion fruit